May 8, 2009

Hitting The Links

Here are some links to some good stuff that you should check out when you get a chance. Lately, I've been focusing on reading more & writing less. For awhile, I got a little out of balance.

The 4 Ds of Leadership-Craig Groeschel

Infinity: They Keep Making More Of It-Seth Godin

Drive 09-Live Updates From Tony Morgan

The stuff from Craig is just solid reminders on leadership from the life of Joseph. It's nice to be brought back to some basics that we so easily lose sight of in the midst of the everyday stuff we deal with as leaders.

Seth's post is a great challenge to not necessarily pursue getting bigger, but better. The two are not always linked.

Tony's posts from the Drive Conference are amazing one liners from one of the most influential leaders in my life, Andy Stanley. If you want quick, easy to digest principles on leading & growing as a leader, Tony's posts from Drive are what you're looking for.

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