October 23, 2009

Enjoying The Journey?

One of my daily rituals is to go over to www.evotional.com to check out Mark Batterson's blog. Mark has one of the best blogs out there. It is a great combination of his real life & his ministry & leadership. Today he wrote a post entitled "Enjoy the Journey" . In the post, Mark poses the question, "Could it be that one of your greatest spiritual responsibilities is to enjoy this moment in your life as much as you possibly can?" It's a very John Piper, Christian hedonist question, but it's extremely poignant at this time for me & for Mark as well.

Right now Mark's church, National Community Church in D.C. is in a state of transition. A couple of weeks ago they found out that they would no longer be able to meet in the movie theater that had been their home for several years, effective immediately. Mark & the leadership of NCC have been thrown into an uncomfortable & most likely an unwanted position, yet the way Mark is leading & the insights he's sharing are powerful.

Do we really enjoy the journey that God is taking us on? What about when that journey hits some really rough patches? What about when we seem to be stuck or spinning our wheels? Do you still enjoy the journey & enjoy God even when He seems to be so very quiet in your life?

These are deeply probing questions for me personally as I go through the time that I'm in. I'm discovering that I, like many ministers, depend too much on what we do as leaders rather than simply enjoying where we are & enjoying the God who has called us to serve Him.

How can you & I still enjoy God & the journey that we are on, even when the journey is uncomfortable or even painful? These are deep questions that we have to wrestle with continually in our journey through life.

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